Our country psychology academic circles thinks, control noise environment, besides consider human factor, also must take into account the economic and technical feasibility. Adequate noise control must take into account the entire system of noise sources, transmission pathways, and receivers. Noise control measures can be aimed at the above three parts or any one of them. Noise control includes:
Control at the sound source. To reduce acoustic noise, the industrial and transportation industries can use low-noise production equipment and improve the production process, or change the movement of noise sources(such as using damping, vibration isolation and other measures to reduce the vibration of solid acoustic bodies).
2 Control in the course of noise propagation. To reduce noise(during the transmission process) in the sound transmission route to control the transmission of noise and change the noise transmission channels already emitted by the sound source, such as adopting measures such as sound absorption, sound insulation, sound barrier, vibration isolation, and multiple planting of trees, And planning the layout of cities and buildings.
The noise is attenuated in the human ear. Noise protection of the recipient or organ requires protection of the recipient or organ when measures can not be taken in terms of sound source and transmission route, or when acoustic measures taken can not achieve the desired effect. Workers with long-term occupational noise exposure may wear earmuffs, earmuffs or helmets.
Although noise control is now technically mature, due to the large scale of modern industry and transportation, there are a large number of enterprises and places that need to adopt noise control. Therefore, in terms of noise prevention, A comprehensive trade-off must be made in terms of technology, economy and effectiveness. Of course, specific issues should be specifically analysed. (b) Low noise intensity in areas that control outdoor, design, workshop or long-term work of employees; Stores or few people go to the workshop or open space. A little more noise is also possible. In short, there should be a certain difference in the treatment of noise at different times, different locations, different properties, and different duration.